Tuesday 30 January 2007

Alkali Metals

I know you lot really wanted me to try Rubidium and Caesium reacting with water, so here is the video of Brainiac doing it. They try all of the alkali metals except Francium.

I also found this shocking archive footage of the disposal of a MASSIVE amount (20,000 pounds) of sodium in a lake after the second world war. The environmental damage this must have caused is enormous. So if you have even a ton or so of sodium you don't need any more, don't just chuck it in the Severn!

Wednesday 24 January 2007

Periodic Table

This is a really good periodic table, that links to information on each element.

You all seemed to enjoy the elements song, so why not listen to it again?

Sunday 21 January 2007

7F: A Class of Einsteins

OK, so we say that liquids and gases are made of moving particles but how do we know it? Just look at the droplets of fat in the short clip on the left, or download the longer clip. All of them are shaking about randomly and the smaller droplets are moving more than the larger ones.

Einstein worked out that this was because the water was made of small fast particles that we can't see. Watch this video to see why. Now 7F are all scientists like Einstein.

Thursday 18 January 2007

Particle Model

Look at the BBC bitesize web pages for solids, liquids and gases. Remember that for the liquids the particles keep moving around (this doesn't happen on the BBC website).

You might also want to play with the gas syringe simulator we played with in the lesson.